• Rue au Bois 365a - 1150 Bruxelles
  • ICHEC Anjou - B001


ICHEC Alumni et son partenaire KPMG Belgium ont le plaisir de t'inviter à participer au workshop "What is the role of a CFO advisor?", qui aura lieu le lundi 8 avril à Anjou.

Durant cet atelier tu découvriras le métier de CFO advisor, mais aussi tous les aspects du domaine de la consultance et tu pourras poser toutes tes questions. Alors Inscris-toi dès maintenant pour en savoir plus sur :

  • Pourquoi a-t-on besoin de consultants ?
  • Qu'attendre d'un projet ?
  • Présentation de KPMG et des différents départements de consultance
  • En quoi consiste le travail d'un consultant CFO (avec des exemples concrets)
  • A quoi ressemblera la finance de demain

KPMG is a global network of audit, tax, legal and advisory services firms. The KPMG network, in Belgium, has more than 1,900 employees in 10 offices. KPMG Advisory is one of the KPMG Belgiums firms. Their main objective is to provide assistance and advices on the challenges of each level of management. Their goal is to help their clients in order to make the best decisions in three key areas: controlling the day-to-day activities of an organization, improving performance and seizing opportunities for growth. Their experts accompany and guide their clients around the world to address their challenges, issues and growth needs. They help them succeed in their strategic transformation and digitalization projects. Do you like broad type of missions, stimulating environments, innovation and a commitment to solidarity? In short, a daily life that moves? At KPMG, they will surprise you! Be part of a network of colleagues all united by the same values of team spirit, performance and conviviality.

>> Le workshop sera suivi d'un moment pour échanger et networker avec les recruteurs présents.
N'hésite pas à t'inscrire, c'est gratuit !

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